

It has been well over a year since my last post... and well... no, I'm not physically where I said I'd be. Regardless of no huge move, it's been the toughest year yet and oh do we have some catching up to do.

In short, at the end of summer last year I was living with my boyfriend at the time, found out I had cancer, I left him because he found a cancer-free cunt shortly after the news hit us, withdrew from school, focused on becoming healthy through non-aggressive treatment, and here I am.

Of course there will be some details I've left out that definitely helped pull me and those affected through, but as of right now, I'm healthy. I'm happy. And I have no plan in being anything else.



I'm ready to move.
Fuck, even Asheville.

Who knows?
Give me a year, and I'll be in one of those 5.

By the way, Happy New Year.